TAD 6V6GT-CZ PREMIUM Matched (poistossa)

Tarjoushinta 24,00 € 19,12 € Normaali hinta 29,00 €

The TAD™ 6V6GT-CZ has been added to the TAD Premium line in 2020. It is a glass envelope beam pentode having a plate dissipation rating of 14 Watts with convection cooling. It is intended for audio frequency power amplification service in either pentode, ultra-linear or triode connection and single or push-pull/parallel applications.
The TAD™ 6V6GT-CZ has an extended plate voltage range which makes it ideal for higher power amplifiers like Jim Kelly and as an electric reliable substitute for overload conditions which are often seen with guitar amplifiers. Close manufacturing specification tolerances and improved processing provide enhanced reliability and superior sonic performance.
The TAD™ 6V6GT-CZ is designed to be a direct replacement for any 6V6, 6V6GTA, 6V6GTY, 6V6Y, 5871, 7184 or equivalent.
Due to the higher voltage withstand the size is enlarged compared to other 6V6 tubes.
Tested, selected and matched by TAD in Germany!
Q: When does a power tube become a Premium Selected power tube?
A: All power tubes labeled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:
-      Plate Current (PC) and Amplification (TC)
-      Low Noise Test
-      Microphonic Test
-      Sonic Tests
-      Shock Tests
-      Listening Tests
-      Shorts & Leakage Tests
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